Remedy State, wellness retreat for music professionals 2018
Date: 21st–23rd May 2018
Location: Ibiza, Spain
I was asked to curate the menu curation and provide a nutrition talk to 40 delegates at the very first Remedy State retreat. I also gave 1:2:1 consultations to all attendees of this retreat over 2 days in Ibiza.
“I came to see Catherine because I was in urgent need of improving my diet, being healthier, to learn what to eat to and how to incorporate this into my busy lifestyle. I run various companies of my own in the music business which involves long hours and lots of international travel.
I love my job, but my lifestyle has not been conducive to healthy living and after some health issues i realised that things had to change. Catherine has helped me facilitate that change and has introduced me to a way of eating that is having many benefits on my health. Its mostly down to education—and practical simple steps over a period of time.
I still have a lot to learn but I relish every conversation with her because I come away with new ideas and ways to implement change. In fact, I am so taken with everything i have learnt through my consultations with Catherine and through the world of healthy living i have been introduced to, that i am launching a new music industry wellness conference in 2018.
I have asked Catherine to be our nutrition expert and as such she will be doing a talk and consultations with the delegates as well as curating the menu. I plan to share the knowledge I’ve taken from working with Catherine to now influence the music industry directly as its important to me to share that wisdom to help people choosing this life as a career. I want to keep doing what I do but in a healthier way—Catherine has been my route to achieving this.”
Ben Turner, Director Graphic Media/Bestival/International Music Summit