This delicious creamy chocolate mousse is perfect for an after dinner treat. Cashews and cacao are great for stress as they are high in magnesium – a mineral which many people are low in and which is essential to help us relax.
Its versatile too, add more milk and it becomes a drizzle-able chocolate sauce or a chocolate dip for fruit such as strawberries or bananas.
Kids love this, but make sure you make enough for the grown ups too!
1 cup cashew nuts, preferably soaked in water for a few hours/overnight if possible
2 tbsp rice malt syrup or raw honey if you prefer
2 ½ tbsp raw cacao
¼ cup almond milk or milk of choice
pinch of himalayan salt
2 tsp cacao nibs (optional)
Drain and rinse the nuts, add to a good blender along with the other ingredients. Blend until completely smooth, periodically turning off the machine and scraping the sides down, giving it a stir if required.
Pour into ramekins and put in the fridge to chill before eating. Decorate with the chocolate nibs (for the hardcore chocolate lovers) or grated dark chocolate and/or berries.
You can also use this as a chocolate ganache to spread onto healthy cakes!
For a pourable chocolate sauce or dip for fruit – add an extra 1/4 cup milk whilst its still in the blender.