This is a nourishing breakfast that you can prepare the night before and have ready for you when you wake up.
Prepare in glass jam jars with lids or mason jars if taking with you to work in the morning, then you can just grab them from the fridge and go!
serves 1
3 tbsp glutenfree oats
1 tbsp chia seeds
1/2 chunk of ginger, finely grated
3/4 cup almond milk or milk of choice
Either 1 apple or 1 pear, grated (or banana if eating it on same day)
1 tsp hemp powder
Small handful of raisins
Small handful of walnuts, broken up into small pieces
1 tsp hemp seeds/pumpkin seeds to decorate
Put the oats, chia seeds, ginger, milk, hemp powder and apple or pear or banana into a blender and whizz up until smooth. You can leave it unblended if you prefer a more textured bircher muesli. Stir through raisins and walnuts along with any seeds you want to add and either leave in a ceramic or glass bowl or a jam jar with a lid/cover in the fridge for 10 minutes or overnight to thicken up.
Serve on its own maybe adding fresh berries or it tastes amazing with star anise poached plums.